
The fol­lo­wing is a Woo­Com­mer­ce Terms and Con­di­ti­ons Example.

Search for and replace the fol­lo­wing Terms and Con­di­ti­ons placeholders:

{your com­pa­ny}
{your email}
{your address}


This web­site is ope­ra­ted by {your com­pa­ny}. Throug­hout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to {your com­pa­ny}. {your com­pa­ny} offers this web­site, inclu­ding all infor­ma­ti­on, tools and ser­vices available from this site to you, the user, con­di­tio­ned upon your accep­tance of all terms, con­di­ti­ons, poli­ci­es and noti­ces sta­ted here.

By visi­ting our site and/ or purcha­sing some­thing from us, you enga­ge in our “Ser­vice” and agree to be bound by the fol­lo­wing terms and con­di­ti­ons (“Terms and Con­di­ti­ons”, “Terms”), inclu­ding tho­se addi­tio­nal terms and con­di­ti­ons and poli­ci­es refe­ren­ced her­ein and/or available by hyper­link. The­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons app­ly to all users of the site, inclu­ding wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on users who are brow­sers, ven­dors, cus­to­mers, mer­chants, and/ or con­tri­bu­tors of content.

Plea­se read the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons careful­ly befo­re acces­sing or using our web­site. By acces­sing or using any part of the site, you agree to be bound by the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons. If you do not agree to all the terms and con­di­ti­ons of this agree­ment, then you may not access the web­site or use any ser­vices. If the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons are con­side­red an offer, accep­tance is express­ly limi­t­ed to the­se Terms and Conditions.

Any new fea­tures or tools which are added to the cur­rent store shall also be sub­ject to the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons. You can review the most cur­rent ver­si­on of the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons at any time on this page. We reser­ve the right to update, chan­ge or replace any part of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons by pos­ting updates and/or chan­ges to our web­site. It is your respon­si­bi­li­ty to check this page peri­odi­cal­ly for chan­ges. Your con­tin­ued use of or access to the web­site fol­lo­wing the pos­ting of any chan­ges con­sti­tu­tes accep­tance of tho­se changes.

Our store is hos­ted on Shop­i­fy Inc. They pro­vi­de us with the online e‑commerce plat­form that allows us to sell our pro­ducts and ser­vices to you.

Online Store Terms

By agre­e­ing to the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons, you repre­sent that you are at least the age of majo­ri­ty in your sta­te or pro­vin­ce of resi­dence, or that you are the age of majo­ri­ty in your sta­te or pro­vin­ce of resi­dence and you have given us your con­sent to allow any of your minor depend­ents to use this site.

You may not use our pro­ducts for any ille­gal or unaut­ho­ri­zed pur­po­se nor may you, in the use of the Ser­vice, vio­la­te any laws in your juris­dic­tion (inclu­ding but not limi­t­ed to copy­right laws).

You must not trans­mit any worms or viru­s­es or any code of a des­truc­ti­ve nature.

A breach or vio­la­ti­on of any of the Terms will result in an imme­dia­te ter­mi­na­ti­on of your Services.

General Conditions

We reser­ve the right to refu­se ser­vice to anyo­ne for any reason at any time.

You under­stand that your con­tent (not inclu­ding cre­dit card infor­ma­ti­on), may be trans­fer­red unen­crypt­ed and invol­ve (a) trans­mis­si­ons over various net­works; and (b) chan­ges to con­form and adapt to tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments of con­nec­ting net­works or devices. Cre­dit card infor­ma­ti­on is always encrypt­ed during trans­fer over networks.

You agree not to repro­du­ce, dupli­ca­te, copy, sell, resell or exploit any por­ti­on of the Ser­vice, use of the Ser­vice, or access to the Ser­vice or any cont­act on the web­site through which the ser­vice is pro­vi­ded, wit­hout express writ­ten per­mis­si­on by us.

The hea­dings used in this agree­ment are included for con­ve­ni­ence only and will not limit or other­wi­se affect the­se Terms.

Accuracy, Completeness And Timeliness Of Information

We are not respon­si­ble if infor­ma­ti­on made available on this site is not accu­ra­te, com­ple­te or cur­rent. The mate­ri­al on this site is pro­vi­ded for gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on only and should not be reli­ed upon or used as the sole basis for making decis­i­ons wit­hout con­sul­ting pri­ma­ry, more accu­ra­te, more com­ple­te or more time­ly sources of infor­ma­ti­on. Any reli­ance on the mate­ri­al on this site is at your own risk.

This site may con­tain cer­tain his­to­ri­cal infor­ma­ti­on. His­to­ri­cal infor­ma­ti­on, neces­s­a­ri­ly, is not cur­rent and is pro­vi­ded for your refe­rence only. We reser­ve the right to modi­fy the con­tents of this site at any time, but we have no obli­ga­ti­on to update any infor­ma­ti­on on our site. You agree that it is your respon­si­bi­li­ty to moni­tor chan­ges to our site.

Modifications To The Service And Prices

Pri­ces for our pro­ducts are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout notice.

We reser­ve the right at any time to modi­fy or dis­con­ti­nue the Ser­vice (or any part or con­tent the­reof) wit­hout noti­ce at any time.

We shall not be lia­ble to you or to any third-par­ty for any modi­fi­ca­ti­on, pri­ce chan­ge, sus­pen­si­on or dis­con­ti­nu­an­ce of the Service.

Products Or Services

Cer­tain pro­ducts or ser­vices may be available exclu­si­ve­ly online through the web­site. The­se pro­ducts or ser­vices may have limi­t­ed quan­ti­ties and are sub­ject to return or exch­an­ge only accor­ding to our Return Policy.

We have made every effort to dis­play as accu­ra­te­ly as pos­si­ble the colors and images of our pro­ducts that appear at the store. We can­not gua­ran­tee that your com­pu­ter monitor’s dis­play of any color will be accurate.

We reser­ve the right, but are not obli­ga­ted, to limit the sales of our pro­ducts or Ser­vices to any per­son, geo­gra­phic regi­on or juris­dic­tion. We may exer­cise this right on a case-by-case basis. We reser­ve the right to limit the quan­ti­ties of any pro­ducts or ser­vices that we offer. All descrip­ti­ons of pro­ducts or pro­duct pri­cing are sub­ject to chan­ge at any­ti­me wit­hout noti­ce, at the sole dis­cre­ti­on of us. We reser­ve the right to dis­con­ti­nue any pro­duct at any time. Any offer for any pro­duct or ser­vice made on this site is void whe­re prohibited.

We do not war­rant that the qua­li­ty of any pro­ducts, ser­vices, infor­ma­ti­on, or other mate­ri­al purcha­sed or obtai­ned by you will meet your expec­ta­ti­ons, or that any errors in the Ser­vice will be corrected.

Accuracy Of Billing And Account Information

We reser­ve the right to refu­se any order you place with us. We may, in our sole dis­cre­ti­on, limit or can­cel quan­ti­ties purcha­sed per per­son, per house­hold or per order. The­se rest­ric­tions may include orders pla­ced by or under the same cus­to­mer account, the same cre­dit card, and/or orders that use the same bil­ling and/or ship­ping address. In the event that we make a chan­ge to or can­cel an order, we may attempt to noti­fy you by cont­ac­ting the e‑mail and/or bil­ling address/phone num­ber pro­vi­ded at the time the order was made. We reser­ve the right to limit or pro­hi­bit orders that, in our sole judgment, appear to be pla­ced by dea­lers, resel­lers or distributors.

You agree to pro­vi­de cur­rent, com­ple­te and accu­ra­te purcha­se and account infor­ma­ti­on for all purcha­ses made at our store. You agree to prompt­ly update your account and other infor­ma­ti­on, inclu­ding your email address and cre­dit card num­bers and expi­ra­ti­on dates, so that we can com­ple­te your tran­sac­tions and cont­act you as needed.

For more detail, plea­se review our Returns Policy.

Optional Tools

We may pro­vi­de you with access to third-par­ty tools over which we neither moni­tor nor have any con­trol nor input.

You ack­now­ledge and agree that we pro­vi­de access to such tools ”as is” and “as available” wit­hout any war­ran­ties, repre­sen­ta­ti­ons or con­di­ti­ons of any kind and wit­hout any endor­se­ment. We shall have no lia­bi­li­ty whatsoe­ver ari­sing from or rela­ting to your use of optio­nal third-par­ty tools.

Any use by you of optio­nal tools offe­red through the site is enti­re­ly at your own risk and dis­cre­ti­on and you should ensu­re that you are fami­li­ar with and appro­ve of the terms on which tools are pro­vi­ded by the rele­vant third-par­ty provider(s).

We may also, in the future, offer new ser­vices and/or fea­tures through the web­site (inclu­ding, the release of new tools and resour­ces). Such new fea­tures and/or ser­vices shall also be sub­ject to the­se Terms and Conditions.

Third-Party Links

Cer­tain con­tent, pro­ducts and ser­vices available via our Ser­vice may include mate­ri­als from third-parties.

Third-par­ty links on this site may direct you to third-par­ty web­sites that are not affi­lia­ted with us. We are not respon­si­ble for exami­ning or eva­lua­ting the con­tent or accu­ra­cy and we do not war­rant and will not have any lia­bi­li­ty or respon­si­bi­li­ty for any third-par­ty mate­ri­als or web­sites, or for any other mate­ri­als, pro­ducts, or ser­vices of third-parties.

We are not lia­ble for any harm or dama­ges rela­ted to the purcha­se or use of goods, ser­vices, resour­ces, con­tent, or any other tran­sac­tions made in con­nec­tion with any third-par­ty web­sites. Plea­se review careful­ly the third-party’s poli­ci­es and prac­ti­ces and make sure you under­stand them befo­re you enga­ge in any tran­sac­tion. Com­plaints, claims, con­cerns, or ques­ti­ons regar­ding third-par­ty pro­ducts should be direc­ted to the third-party.

User Comments, Feedback And Other Submissions

If, at our request, you send cer­tain spe­ci­fic sub­mis­si­ons (for exam­p­le con­test ent­ries) or wit­hout a request from us you send crea­ti­ve ide­as, sug­ges­ti­ons, pro­po­sals, plans, or other mate­ri­als, whe­ther online, by email, by pos­tal mail, or other­wi­se (coll­ec­tively, ‘comm­ents’), you agree that we may, at any time, wit­hout rest­ric­tion, edit, copy, publish, dis­tri­bu­te, trans­la­te and other­wi­se use in any medi­um any comm­ents that you for­ward to us. We are and shall be under no obli­ga­ti­on (1) to main­tain any comm­ents in con­fi­dence; (2) to pay com­pen­sa­ti­on for any comm­ents; or (3) to respond to any comments.

We may, but have no obli­ga­ti­on to, moni­tor, edit or remo­ve con­tent that we deter­mi­ne in our sole dis­cre­ti­on are unlawful, offen­si­ve, threa­tening, libe­lous, defa­ma­to­ry, por­no­gra­phic, obs­ce­ne or other­wi­se objec­tionable or vio­la­tes any party’s intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty or the­se Terms and Conditions.

You agree that your comm­ents will not vio­la­te any right of any third-par­ty, inclu­ding copy­right, trade­mark, pri­va­cy, per­so­na­li­ty or other per­so­nal or pro­prie­ta­ry right. You fur­ther agree that your comm­ents will not con­tain libe­lous or other­wi­se unlawful, abu­si­ve or obs­ce­ne mate­ri­al, or con­tain any com­pu­ter virus or other mal­wa­re that could in any way affect the ope­ra­ti­on of the Ser­vice or any rela­ted web­site. You may not use a fal­se e‑mail address, pre­tend to be someone other than yours­elf, or other­wi­se mis­lead us or third-par­ties as to the ori­gin of any comm­ents. You are sole­ly respon­si­ble for any comm­ents you make and their accu­ra­cy. We take no respon­si­bi­li­ty and assu­me no lia­bi­li­ty for any comm­ents pos­ted by you or any third-party.

Personal Information

Your sub­mis­si­on of per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on through the store is gover­ned by our Pri­va­cy Poli­cy. To view our Pri­va­cy Policy.

Errors, Inaccuracies And Omissions

Occa­sio­nal­ly the­re may be infor­ma­ti­on on our site or in the Ser­vice that con­ta­ins typo­gra­phi­cal errors, inac­cu­ra­ci­es or omis­si­ons that may rela­te to pro­duct descrip­ti­ons, pri­cing, pro­mo­ti­ons, offers, pro­duct ship­ping char­ges, tran­sit times and avai­la­bi­li­ty. We reser­ve the right to cor­rect any errors, inac­cu­ra­ci­es or omis­si­ons, and to chan­ge or update infor­ma­ti­on or can­cel orders if any infor­ma­ti­on in the Ser­vice or on any rela­ted web­site is inac­cu­ra­te at any time wit­hout pri­or noti­ce (inclu­ding after you have sub­mit­ted your order).

We under­ta­ke no obli­ga­ti­on to update, amend or cla­ri­fy infor­ma­ti­on in the Ser­vice or on any rela­ted web­site, inclu­ding wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, pri­cing infor­ma­ti­on, except as requi­red by law. No spe­ci­fied update or refresh date appli­ed in the Ser­vice or on any rela­ted web­site, should be taken to indi­ca­te that all infor­ma­ti­on in the Ser­vice or on any rela­ted web­site has been modi­fied or updated.

Prohibited Uses

In addi­ti­on to other pro­hi­bi­ti­ons as set forth in the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons, you are pro­hi­bi­ted from using the site or its con­tent: (a) for any unlawful pur­po­se; (b) to soli­cit others to per­form or par­ti­ci­pa­te in any unlawful acts; © to vio­la­te any inter­na­tio­nal, fede­ral, pro­vin­cial or sta­te regu­la­ti­ons, rules, laws, or local ordi­nan­ces; (d) to inf­rin­ge upon or vio­la­te our intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights or the intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights of others; (e) to harass, abu­se, insult, harm, defa­me, slan­der, dis­pa­ra­ge, inti­mi­da­te, or dis­cri­mi­na­te based on gen­der, sexu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, reli­gi­on, eth­ni­ci­ty, race, age, natio­nal ori­gin, or disa­bi­li­ty; (f) to sub­mit fal­se or mis­lea­ding infor­ma­ti­on; (g) to upload or trans­mit viru­s­es or any other type of mali­cious code that will or may be used in any way that will affect the func­tion­a­li­ty or ope­ra­ti­on of the Ser­vice or of any rela­ted web­site, other web­sites, or the Inter­net; (h) to coll­ect or track the per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on of others; (i) to spam, phish, pharm, pre­text, spi­der, crawl, or scra­pe; (j) for any obs­ce­ne or immo­ral pur­po­se; or (k) to inter­fe­re with or cir­cum­vent the secu­ri­ty fea­tures of the Ser­vice or any rela­ted web­site, other web­sites, or the Inter­net. We reser­ve the right to ter­mi­na­te your use of the Ser­vice or any rela­ted web­site for vio­la­ting any of the pro­hi­bi­ted uses.

Disclaimer Of Warranties; Limitation Of Liability

We do not gua­ran­tee, repre­sent or war­rant that your use of our ser­vice will be unin­ter­rupt­ed, time­ly, secu­re or error-free.

We do not war­rant that the results that may be obtai­ned from the use of the ser­vice will be accu­ra­te or reliable.

You agree that from time to time we may remo­ve the ser­vice for inde­fi­ni­te peri­ods of time or can­cel the ser­vice at any time, wit­hout noti­ce to you.

You express­ly agree that your use of, or ina­bi­li­ty to use, the ser­vice is at your sole risk. The ser­vice and all pro­ducts and ser­vices deli­ver­ed to you through the ser­vice are (except as express­ly sta­ted by us) pro­vi­ded ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ for your use, wit­hout any repre­sen­ta­ti­on, war­ran­ties or con­di­ti­ons of any kind, eit­her express or impli­ed, inclu­ding all impli­ed war­ran­ties or con­di­ti­ons of mer­chan­ta­bi­li­ty, mer­chan­ta­ble qua­li­ty, fit­ness for a par­ti­cu­lar pur­po­se, dura­bi­li­ty, title, and non-infringement.

In no case shall {your com­pa­ny}, our direc­tors, offi­cers, employees, affi­lia­tes, agents, con­trac­tors, interns, sup­pli­ers, ser­vice pro­vi­ders or licen­sors be lia­ble for any inju­ry, loss, cla­im, or any direct, indi­rect, inci­den­tal, puni­ti­ve, spe­cial, or con­se­quen­ti­al dama­ges of any kind, inclu­ding, wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on lost pro­fits, lost reve­nue, lost savings, loss of data, repla­ce­ment cos­ts, or any simi­lar dama­ges, whe­ther based in con­tract, tort (inclu­ding negli­gence), strict lia­bi­li­ty or other­wi­se, ari­sing from your use of any of the ser­vice or any pro­ducts pro­cu­red using the ser­vice, or for any other cla­im rela­ted in any way to your use of the ser­vice or any pro­duct, inclu­ding, but not limi­t­ed to, any errors or omis­si­ons in any con­tent, or any loss or dama­ge of any kind incur­red as a result of the use of the ser­vice or any con­tent (or pro­duct) pos­ted, trans­mit­ted, or other­wi­se made available via the ser­vice, even if advi­sed of their pos­si­bi­li­ty. Becau­se some sta­tes or juris­dic­tions do not allow the exclu­si­on or the limi­ta­ti­on of lia­bi­li­ty for con­se­quen­ti­al or inci­den­tal dama­ges, in such sta­tes or juris­dic­tions, our lia­bi­li­ty shall be limi­t­ed to the maxi­mum ext­ent per­mit­ted by law.


You agree to indem­ni­fy, defend and hold harm­less {your com­pa­ny} and our parent, sub­si­dia­ries, affi­lia­tes, part­ners, offi­cers, direc­tors, agents, con­trac­tors, licen­sors, ser­vice pro­vi­ders, sub­con­trac­tors, sup­pli­ers, interns and employees, harm­less from any cla­im or demand, inclu­ding reasonable att­or­neys’ fees, made by any third-par­ty due to or ari­sing out of your breach of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons or the docu­ments they incor­po­ra­te by refe­rence, or your vio­la­ti­on of any law or the rights of a third-party.


In the event that any pro­vi­si­on of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons is deter­mi­ned to be unlawful, void or unen­forceable, such pro­vi­si­on shall none­thel­ess be enforceable to the ful­lest ext­ent per­mit­ted by appli­ca­ble law, and the unen­forceable por­ti­on shall be dee­med to be sever­ed from the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons, such deter­mi­na­ti­on shall not affect the vali­di­ty and enforcea­bi­li­ty of any other remai­ning provisions.


The obli­ga­ti­ons and lia­bi­li­ties of the par­ties incur­red pri­or to the ter­mi­na­ti­on date shall sur­vi­ve the ter­mi­na­ti­on of this agree­ment for all purposes.

The­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons are effec­ti­ve unless and until ter­mi­na­ted by eit­her you or us. You may ter­mi­na­te the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons at any time by noti­fy­ing us that you no lon­ger wish to use our Ser­vices, or when you cea­se using our site.

If in our sole judgment you fail, or we suspect that you have fai­led, to com­ply with any term or pro­vi­si­on of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons, we also may ter­mi­na­te this agree­ment at any time wit­hout noti­ce and you will remain lia­ble for all amounts due up to and inclu­ding the date of ter­mi­na­ti­on; and/or accor­din­gly may deny you access to our Ser­vices (or any part thereof).

Entire Agreement

The fail­ure of us to exer­cise or enforce any right or pro­vi­si­on of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons shall not con­sti­tu­te a wai­ver of such right or provision.

The­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons and any poli­ci­es or ope­ra­ting rules pos­ted by us on this site or in respect to The Ser­vice con­sti­tu­tes the enti­re agree­ment and under­stan­ding bet­ween you and us and govern your use of the Ser­vice, super­se­ding any pri­or or con­tem­po­ra­neous agree­ments, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and pro­po­sals, whe­ther oral or writ­ten, bet­ween you and us (inclu­ding, but not limi­t­ed to, any pri­or ver­si­ons of the Terms and Conditions).

Any ambi­gui­ties in the inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons shall not be con­strued against the draf­ting party.

Governing Law

The­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons and any sepa­ra­te agree­ments wher­eby we pro­vi­de you Ser­vices shall be gover­ned by and con­strued in accordance with the laws of {your address}.

Changes To Terms and Conditions

You can review the most cur­rent ver­si­on of the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons at any time at this page.

We reser­ve the right, at our sole dis­cre­ti­on, to update, chan­ge or replace any part of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons by pos­ting updates and chan­ges to our web­site. It is your respon­si­bi­li­ty to check our web­site peri­odi­cal­ly for chan­ges. Your con­tin­ued use of or access to our web­site or the Ser­vice fol­lo­wing the pos­ting of any chan­ges to the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons con­sti­tu­tes accep­tance of tho­se changes.

Contact Information

Ques­ti­ons about the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons should be sent to us at {your-email}.